Commercial for God – Doctrine of Retribution Abused (VFTTB)
I just finished teaching through the Book of Proverbs in my Wisdom Literature class and thought I’d share this video. It is exactly what the title of the post says a “commercial for God.” Basically, these two girls read Proverbs 3:9-10 verbatim. Just be careful because it might give you a sickening feel in your…
Ezekiel Bread – Joke's on You (VFTTB)
So, this is the third installment in my series on videos for teaching the Bible. This was kind of a result me putting two and two together in my head. And, it turned out to be a really good way to kick off my class on Ezekiel. I think I got a real laugh out…
I'm a Mac, MyTouch, and Type Scenes (VFTTB)
This is second post in my series on videos for teaching the Bible. In my survey courses, I usually do a class session on how Biblical narrative works. In that session I discuss type scenes. Videos that I usually use are parodies. I explain that parodies function by exploiting a type scene. An easy example…
Sublime's "Rivers of Babylon" and Sanitization (Videos for Teaching the Bible)
Nearly every time I mention on Twitter that I am going to be using a video in one of my classes it garners at least a little bit of interest. So, I’m toying with the idea of starting a series on videos for teaching the Bible. This would be meant primarily for teaching in academic…