Tag: Reading

  • Unnaturalness in experimental design

    I read a language related article today where the researchers presented their subjects sentences with the words making up the sentences being presented serially on a screen. Their goal was to determine if brain responses correlated with the presentation of words in a sentence carrying more information according to several probabilistic models of language. The material that they presented…

  • Reading a second language will never be like reading a first language

    This post is in partial reply to one written by Daniel Streett. I should start off by saying that I applaud the efforts of all those attempting to make biblical language instruction better and to train better interpreters of the bible. Changes in biblical language instruction still have a long way to go and have…

  • Would you ever counsel someone to apply speed reading techniques to the Bible?

    I’m just wondering about this. In the class I’m teaching in the Spring, I’m requiring my students to read all of the wisdom books in their entirety, but I’m going to council them to skim some of the sections. For example, I will give them a section of sentence proverbs to read normally, but tell…

  • Video of Me Reading

    Okay so a friend asked myself and other youth folks in my area to make (semi-funny) videos for an upcoming conference of what we like to do in our spare time (other than blogging I guess).  Here’s mine (you have to be watching with annotations on to get the full effect): Okay maybe that’s not…