Collins on Systematizing the Material in the Pentateuch
Have been re-reading through John Collins’ Introduction to the Hebrew Bible off and on lately. Here is a passage I read last night I thought worthy of citation: The Biblical text that resulted from this process (the final editing together of diverse material) is not a consistent systematic treatise. Rather, it is a collection of…
James McGrath on the Mosaic Authorship of the Pentateuch (Funny)
Okay this is one of those things that got me laughing. I realize that my sense of humor is not normal, but that’s okay. This may not be for everyone. I read this title on one of James McGrath’s posts in the RSS feed for his blog – “Mosaic Authorship of the Pentateuch.” I have…
Fundamentalism and Anachronism at Desiring God
Yesterday there was a post on the Desiring God blog about “boring” passages in the Bible (why they put boring in quotes I don’t know; I would just call them boring), especially the Pentateuch. There is so much wrong with the particular details of this post that it is difficult to really know where to…