Tag: Maxims of Conversation

  • Grice's Maxims Applied to Biblical Interpretation

    I posted shortly ago about Grice’s “Maxims of Conversation,” but I wanted to take a brief moment to say that these maxims are not only useful ideas for conversation, but also can be applied to Biblical interpretation.  Take for example the “Maxim of Manner,” which has as a sub-point “be brief (avoid unnecessary wordiness).”  One…

  • Grice's Maxims of Conversation

    Tim Bulkeley of SansBlogue has recently started a series of posts about communication (HERE, HERE, and HERE) that is worth checking out.  And, as I read the first couple of posts a lot of this information reminded me of Grice’s “Maxims of Conversation,” which I first encountered in some introductory books on linguistics, such as Cognitive…