Apparently a Complete Idiot Can Write a "Complete Idiot's Guide"
Don’t believe me? Just watch for yourself: Related: Barack Obama is not the Antichrist … I am Why Bible Codes are Ridiculous
On My Recent Work as an End-time Correspondent
I recently did some work as End-time correspondent doing a phone interview while conducting some field work (i.e. driving to work). This was in relation to my identification of the AntiChrist. For those who are interested, be sure to check out the interview for some of my thoughts. This audio would be of particular interest…
Swine Flu is in the Bible – Check out this Impeccable Piece of Logic
HERE is online article about how swine flu is in the Bible. You’ll have to read it for yourself to see the sheer brilliance, but the logic goes something like this: The Bible talks about pestilences; Swine flu is a pestilence; Therefore, swine flu is in the Bible. Well, there you have it folks proof…