Announcing the Month of Free Stuff
I am officially making this the “Month of Free Stuff” on my blog. I’m going to do my best to link a number of free resources each day this month in order to try to boost my BiblioBlog ranking. I started at #35, but I know that I can do much, much better than that. …
This Month's ChristianAudio.com Free Book
This month ChristianAudio.com has Just Courage by Gary A. Haugen for free. Here is the description of the book from their website: International Justice Mission president Haugen has found that “the pathway out of a nearly comatose state of boredom, ineffectiveness and triviality lies in the struggle for justice.” This book describes how to break…
Drum Roll Please …… And, He Debuts at ….
# 35 – in the Biblioblog Top 50 that is. That is a strong first showing I think, but I will not be satisfied with this success. Next month top 10 and the following #1 is what I’m thinking.
Blenkinsopp Introduction to Ezra-Nehemiah
The entire introduction from Blenkinsopp’s commentary on Ezra-Nehemiah is available for free through limited preview at Google Books. Even though you cannot view the entire commentary the introduction alone is very helpful. Check it out HERE.
Psalm 137 – Rivers of Babylon
Today’s responsorial Psalm is Psalm 137. Here’s a YouTube video of my favorite version of “Rivers of Babylon,” which was inspired by this Psalm. It is a cover by Sublime and may not be what some people are accustomed to when thinking about this Psalm. Enjoy!
Younger Sons who Rise to Prominence in the Bible
I am currently reading The Death and Resurrection of the Beloved Son: The Transformation of Child Sacrifice in Judaism and Christianity by Jon D. Levenson. I’m about halfway through and it is easily one of the best books I have read in a long time. He covers some similar issues in this VIDEO which I have…
"An Ancient of Days" or "The Ancient of Days": Does it Really Matter?
The Old Testament lectionary reading today is from Daniel 7. This is probably one of the most interesting chapters in the entire Bible, but the lectionary reading is only a part of it. Do yourself a favor and go back and read the part about the beasts. My blog is not really a place to…
10 Random Beliefs Meme
This meme thing is fun. I hadn’t been tagged for one, but then it was two in about a 24 hour period. I think I probably went overboard on the first one, but that tends to happen when I rant (though I think I may have had a point somewhere in there). Thanks to James…
Bible Movies Meme
I’ve been reading a few of the responses to this Bible movie meme, and my Twitter friend Carmen said that she would be interested to see my response. The meme requires that you list your favorite three Bible movies and one that you would like to see made. This reveals more about the person writing…
Suzanne McCarthy on the Gender Neutral Bible Controversy
Thanks to Suzanne McCarthy over at Suzanne’s Bookshelf for this POST on the gender neutral Bible controversy. She links to a helpful article by Ann Nyland addressing the generic use of the Greek word aner. Now, I am not one who would advocate gender inclusive language simply for the sake of being gender inclusive. In…