The Doctrine of Man in Sherlock Holmes
I’ve been reading Sherlock Holmes stories here recently and been a bit surprised by the number of theological-type statements that come up from time to time. This quote is from the The Sign of Four: “Dirty-looking rascals, but I suppose every one has some little immortal spark concealed about him. You would not think it,…
Visuals for Biblical Books
Stephen Smuts has linked to some very cool looking Bible word clouds. Though I think that some of this may be translation dependent and some of it perhaps a little misleading to a somewhat uninformed person (e.g. “father” in Genesis is probably not talking about God as a father), I still think that do give…
Free Hebrew and Greek Courses on iTunes U
I found free Hebrew and Greek courses that I have not linked to before to my knowledge on iTunes U, Biblical Hebrew and Biblical Greek. I hope the links work for you. I’ve not used or checked out either of the courses, so if anyone has used them or does use them, please comment to…
Why Did Jonah Flee to Tarshish? (Learner-Centered)
A while back I wrote a post answering the question of why Jonah fled to Tarshish (if you’re a more advanced reader you probably would not have learned anything). Yesterday, however, I started to think about what it would mean to take a more learner-centered approach to my blogging. And, I thought a re-write of…
Learner-Centered Blogging?
I don’t know why, but I was thinking through David Clines’ SBL Presidential Address on learner-centered instruction again today. I can remember thinking it was a good address, but having done research in pedagogy, I don’t remember feeling like I had learned much new. Yet I was thinking about the address today in the context…
The Contrast Between Judges and Samuel on Kingship
I was re-struck this morning as I was reading in the Book of 1 Samuel by the contrast between some of the views of kingship in it and in the Book of Judges. The books of Samuel are certainly not a monolith on this topic, however, since there are positive views of kingship found therein. …
Psalm 96:5 – Word Play
Today’s responsorial Psalm is Psalm 96. In verse 5, there is a word play between the words translated “gods of the peoples” and the word translated “idols” (or “worthless idols” or “worthless” dependent on which translation you are reading). I wanted to see if you can hear it. Psalm 96:5 For all the gods of…
Ditto Jim West on Google Wave
This morning Jim West posted his evaluation of Google Wave up until this point. All I can say is I feel about the same. I have not found it very useful yet. That is not to say that it won’t be better in the future. Jim puts it more eloquently than I could. By the…
Psalm 124 – Video Illustration for Verses 4-5
Psalm 124.2-5 2 if it had not been the Lord who was on our side, when our enemies attacked us, 3 then they would have swallowed us up alive, when their anger was kindled against us; 4 then the flood would have swept us away, the torrent would have gone over us; 5 then over…
James McGrath on Matthew's Use of Hosea 11 & Jeremiah 31
Today’s New Testament Gospel reading comes from from Matthew 2.13-18. In this passage, Matthew cites two Old Testament texts, namely Hosea 11.1 (only part of the verse) and Jeremiah 31.15. Here are Hosea 11.1 and Jeremiah 31.15, as they are quoted in Matthew: Hosea 11.1 Out of Egypt I called my son. Jeremiah 31.15 A…