U2 "40" – The Absolute BEST Modern Version of a Psalm
Today’s responsorial reading is from Psalm 40, which gives me the great pleasure to embed the absolute best modern version of one of the Psalms, U2’s “40.” The lyrics are here. Today’s reading actually doesn’t include most of the verses used for this song, but it does make use of verse 2, and that was…
Giving the Bible Commentwary Another Shot
A good while back, when I first started using Twitter, I had the idea to start a Bible Commentwary. The basic gist of the idea was that I would choose a verse or passage for a given day (probably not daily as I at first thought) and people would need to comment in 140 characters…
Last Day for Audible Platinum Program Free Trial
I just got an e-mail from Audible.com saying that January 13th is the last day to get a free trial of their Platinum Program. This trial allows you to download 2 free audio books over a 2 week period. At the end of the 2 weeks (or before) you can decide if you want to…
Do BiblioBloggers Google Their Own Names? …
Well, the textual evidence seems to point in that direction. I posted a trial run of the BiblioBlog rankings for this month late Sunday night. And, I got traffic from some interesting search referrals yesterday. Here are a few: “Dave Black“ “Satlow” (Whoever did this, I don’t think quotation marks make a difference if it’s…
How To Decide What Makes the BiblioBlog List
I am toying with an idea of how to decide what makes the list of BiblioBlogs. There was some debate about what exactly a BiblioBlog is a while back, and I don’t think that discussion was ever resolved. I could personally make decisions about what is a BiblioBlog and what is not, but I am…
The Pride of Naram-Sin
I was reading this morning in Ancient Near East: Historical Sources in Translation and found this section from Chapter 2 interesting. King Naram-Sin says: Thus I said to myself, thus indeed I spoke: “What lion practiced divination? What wolf inquired of an interpreter of dreams? Let me go like a bandit, following the counsel of…
BiblioBlog Rankings So Far This Month
Well everyone, here is a trial run of the new program. The stats are inline in my blog using the Google Docs inline WP plugin. Since this was my first time I think it took a bit longer, but all in all I don’t think the process should take me more than 10 minutes. And,…
The Word of God Ran a Sprint …
in yesterday’s lectionary reading. I thought this was a pretty neat bit of imagery in Psalm 147:15. He sends out his command to the earth; his word runs swiftly. (Psa 147:15 NRSV) Related: Psalm 96:5 – Word Play Psalm 98 and Assonance Psalm 1.4 – A Video Illustration of Chaff Psalm 1.1 – Translation Comparison
I will do it … I will do the Biblioblog Rankings
I feel a bit like Frodo committing to take the ring to Mordor, but I will do the Biblioblog rankings. I’m still working out the details of where, when, and how. I have taken steps toward automating the process; therefore, this will not be the painstaking by hand process used in the past. Someone is…
Cool iPhone App for Catholics
Some of you heretic Protestants like Joel might like it too … just kidding 😉 . Today I downloaded iMissal. It’s a pretty cool app that is a Missal, complete with daily mass readings and mass parts, a devotional (Our Daily Bread), and a collection of prayers. For audiophiles like myself, the lectionary readings can…