GrEEK is Lame; Hebrew is Beast Coffee Mug
Here’s another coffee mug I’m thinking about developing for sale through my site: And for you old folks who don’t get it, “beast” is the new word for awesome. Or, at least that’s what the youth at my church tell me.
Sherlock Holmes – Movie Plug
I don’t often plug movies on my blog (though I do discuss them from time to time). We don’t have cable and can’t keep an antenna plugged in at my house (because my two year old would pull it down). So, we watch a lot of movies. It now takes a good bit for a…
Israel as Servant in Isaiah – Lectionary Reading
Today’s lectionary reading is one of the places in Isaiah where there is an explicit identification of the servant, as in the servant of the “Servant Songs.” Nothing new here for academics, but it throws a bit of a wrench in for those who grew up accustomed to thinking about many of the “Servant Songs”…
On Seeing Members of My Former Denomination
If you are a consistent reader of my blog, you may know a little of my background. I grew up Roman Catholic. Long story short … I left the church a year after I started college. I joined a Southern Baptist Church and soon after left a path that was going to lead me to…
Exodus 32:7-15 – Commentary
HERE is a link to commentary on Exodus 32:7-15, which is the Old Testament lectionary reading for today. The author takes note of the people being called the people of Moses as I did in this video earlier today. Exodus Posts
Exodus 32 – Who Brought the People out of Egypt?
Exodus 32:7-15 is an interesting reading that presents us with three different opinions about who brought the people out of the land of Egypt. Check it out:
Isaiah 49:15 – Our Mother, Who Art in Heaven (Video)
Nah, just kidding; however, there is some feminine imagery for God in Isaiah 49:15 as well as in other place in Second Isaiah. Isaiah 49:15 is part of the lectionary reading for today. I could have just pasted the verses in and made a few comments, but I’m still experimenting a bit with adding more…
Jeremy Thompson – Aviator
Well, not really me. I spent some time with a friend who is also one of my youth leaders this morning. He’s trained to pilot small planes and he took me up. Awesome time (though I got a little woozy toward the end).
Ezekiel 47:1-9, 12 – Commentary
Ezekiel 47:1-9, 12 is today’s Old Testament lectionary reading. HERE is a link to the International Critical Commentary’s section on this passage. You just have to zoom in to read. I’ve linked to this commentary set on Archives.org once before because it is available for free download. I plan on linking to it for the…