I just got an e-mail from Audible.com saying that January 13th is the last day to get a free trial of their Platinum Program. This trial allows you to download 2 free audio books over a 2 week period. At the end of the 2 weeks (or before) you can decide if you want to keep the program or not. They are switching to a Gold Free Trial which will allow a free download of 1 audio book. I’ve plugged this program for a while because as someone who does a considerable amount of driving I love Audible. I listen to audio books all the time and have been a Platinum Program member for well over a year now. Besides that they have some great Biblical Studies resources like these three Modern Scholar Series courses:
The Hebrew Bible
by Lawrence Schiffman
The Dead Sea Scrolls: The Truth Behind the Mystique
by Lawrence Schiffman
The History of Ancient Israel: From the Patriarchs through the Romans
by Eric Cline
There are also a number of very good audio Bibles to choose from as well as a good number of popular level books in the area of Biblical Studies.
At any rate, if you want to take advantage of the last day to go and get an extra free audio book, this is it. You can follow this link –
I’m not sure what will happen with the Audible UK program, but if you want to try it before they pull the program (if they haven’t already), try this link: